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offline 5249 days

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Age:51 years and 0 days
City:Kharovsk, Russia
Marital status:Single
Registration:06 December 2009
Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Children:No Children

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On-life optimist, sociable, interesting in dialogue, temperamental, inventive, I possess a beautiful, harmonous figure, nice and kind. Likes: Music, travelling, all new, philosophy both all the most beautiful and mysterious in lives. Personal: I live in Moldova, mum and a daughter live in Ukraine. I conduct a healthy way of life, I like to travel, I possess good sense of humour, in people I appreciate sincere, kind, fair qualities of character. I am pleased to each day. Here only it is lonely to me. There is nobody to divide pleasure and grief, success and failures, very much I wait for you-gentle and the tender, my most long-awaited, that who waits for mutual love, understanding and long years of a fairy tale. assured, cheerful, smart, serious amn whom i will love and who will love me.

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